Finally Making Progress

Finally Making Progress

After a lifetime of battling obesity, with several significant successes, I found myself on a downward health spiral over the past 10 or so years that peaked at my heaviest at 420 lbs, diabetic, high blood pressure, and in and out of the hospital with leg infections repeatedly, culminating in a stay in the hospital in 2021 with COVID. From that point to now I have been alternately stubbornly fighting for my life, and despairing at how much I have lost in mobility and function, as I find myself mostly confined to a wheelchair except for short walks inside the house. I really had given up hope of living a normal lifespan, let alone a normal life of activity and joy with my family.

And then my pharmacy doctor told me there was a new drug on the market called Mounjaro that specifically helps diabetics with weight loss and blood sugar control. I said I’ll try anything, bring it on! Unfortunately, it was a long time before there was sufficient supply for the overwhelming need for this drug, but once I was able to get started, I have seen steady improvement and weight loss, and you will.not.believe. how much this has altered my perception of reality.

As of today I am down 70 lbs from that high weight. Of course, I am still morbidly obese. I am still on all my medications for diabetes, high blood-pressure, and cholesterol. I still have severe back pain and am limited in how long I can either walk or stand. But trajectory is everything! This medication is saving my life, and frankly, it pisses me off when I hear people down-talking the use of such measures for people like me. I am not the least bit embarrassed that I’m losing weight with this assistance. I will say, though, that if you’re out there thinking this is a great short cut to get your last 30 lbs off, just keep your dang hands off medication that is really desperately needed to save lives. Don’t be the reason someone who really needs it can’t get their prescription filled for months. This is not about aesthetics or a bikini bod. This could make the difference in my being around for my youngest child’s graduation.

So today I celebrate seeing progress, and I celebrate newfound hope. And here are a few “icing on the cake” Non-Scale-Victories as well:

  • A1C down from high of 12.8 to 8.2.
  • I can stretch my right arm across my body and reach around to touch the back of my left arm. And vice versa. (less fat in arms and torso)
  • I can easily scratch the back of my neck (less fat on forearm and upper arm)
  • I can sit on my bed, and with one leg crooked at a right angle beside me, can reach my foot to put on a sock. (Less belly fat, more bendy at the waist)
  • In the above position, I can also achieve a very helpful stretch in my low back on both sides, which will begin to remedy the back pain that has kept me wheelchair bound.
  • All my clothes are hanging off me loosely. I am most definitely no longer a 5x.
  • I feel lighter when climbing up into my NV3500 van.
  • I can sit a couple of inches closer to the steering wheel, which allows my arms to relax a little rather than stretching out at full length.
  • I think my face and shoulders might look a trifle thinner….

I am looking forward to the future – my future! – and to the next update I post here, when I have reached my first major milestone of 100 lbs lost. If you would kindly continue to pray for my journey, it would mean the world to me.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Love you mama! You are so strong and so wonderful. You can do this! 💜

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