Got to take a little “photo-roll” downtown this morning, assisted by my loving, gear toting, chair pushing husband, and Ellie my trusty model. I was hoping to get a chance to go inside the Mercado, since I’ve only ever seen the entrance (it’s always gated when I’m downtown). Today was no different – apparently I always go down there on holidays! Well, I saw some sights, took some photos of buildings, and of Ellie. I tried having her do some twirls with the scarf but my focus was off so none of that turned out. Will attempt again another day. Anyway, she looked sweet up on that platform in the AZ center. Toward the end I was approached by a passerby with the exclamation “Wow! Now THAT’S a camera! Not just some cell phone! Do you do photos more of people or things?” Me, flustered at being suddenly confronted by a conversation with a stranger, answered smilingly that I do some portraits and street photography… and after parting ways, I wondered, how DO I categorize my photos? It’s a little bit of everything… macro, landscape, still-life, portraits, whatever mood hits!