A Stop at the Bottom of the Canyon

A Stop at the Bottom of the Canyon

This ranch trip couldn’t have been more perfect in that I got to see both routes – the Snowflake route on the way up, and the Salt River Canyon route on the way home. This was my first chance to use my new camera and lenses in the canyon, and I was happy we could stop at the bottom for a few minutes, and then on the way up the other side at a lookout spot. I sorely wished I had a 15-35mm for all that gorgeous scenery, but again, note to self: add wide angle zoom to dream lens list! I could stop at every single lookout, honestly. At any rate, I had fun with the 70-200mm, zooming in a little closer on some of the rock formations that were further away. I enjoyed it to the hilt!

And with that, I come to the end of my photos for the weekend. Oh dear Lord, thank you for so many gifts – my wonderful family, the beauty of this world, and a healthier body with which to enjoy them both!


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