Natalie’s College Portrait Session

Natalie’s College Portrait Session

When I say that I woke before the crack of dawn, this is not hyperbole: it was something like 4:35 am, and I was up and too excited to stay in bed. Today was the day for the much anticipated portrait session with Natalie, and I wanted to make sure that we got out as early as possible for two reasons: firstly, in order to avoid the heat wave we’ve been enduring here in the Valley this week, where it’s been as high as 111°F; and secondly, remember that insane light I was talking about last time? I thought that just possibly going out a little earlier in the morning might help with that issue.

We were backing out of the driveway at 6am sharp, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude to find that there was actually a smidge of high cloud cover – which I hadn’t even “bothered” to pray for, assuming that summer in Phoenix is what it is – a blindingly hot oven of sunshine. But God is so gracious and provided exactly what we needed. It was a balmy 84°F and I couldn’t have asked for more!

I brought my 100mm f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.4 and ended up only using the 50mm, since I wanted the option of going a little wider. Of course, that also meant that if I wanted a headshot, I had to get mighty close! 🙂 Thankfully Jacob was ready and willing to move me around where I needed to go. I’m so grateful for his help. (And I’m still counting the days and counting my pennies till I can get that RF70-200mm f/2.8!)

Here is my college girl. How blessed I am!


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