Up to the Mountains

Up to the Mountains

Friday morning it was time to pack up a picnic lunch and head to the White Mountains to enjoy the even cooler temperatures, and see if there was any color on the trees. Spoiler alert – there was!

Our first stop was an old familiar trail we’ve visited many times called Pole Knoll. Even before we got to the trailhead, I had to stop and get out with my camera – the colors were calling me! Standing in the road was not enough, I had to wander back into the trees, treading oh so carefully so as not to lose my unsteady balance, but I couldn’t stop. The pain grew, but I kept going – nothing, it seems, can make me push past pain like colors and a camera in my hands. Finally I had to give in and limp back to the van.

When we arrived just a minute later, the *entire* parking lot was full – I’ve never seen it so busy! The only spot left was, conveniently for me, the handicapped spot right next to the ramadas and restrooms.

We got unloaded and Paul set up a camp chair for me at the nearest picnic ramada. Everyone else set off for a quick hike before lunch, the pine-cone battles already beginning as they walked away. Meanwhile I rested a spell, gazing around at all that I could see from where I sat. I couldn’t resist getting up and wandering around the area nearby and grabbing a few more shots of the beauty. Oh the colors!

After everyone got back, we had our sandwiches and chips – is anything better than a picnic lunch in the fresh mountain air?! And then we were back on the road to our next destination. I had to pause for some snaps a couple of times along the way, of course – the last time just before the turn off to Carnero Lake, our second planned stop for the day.


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