For many years, our table that could comfortably seat 8 was just the right size. With four kids, myself and Paul, plus my mom and brother, it was perfect! But then along came seven more kids, and everything went bonkers! Finally last month I did what I’d wanted to do for so long and bought two smaller tables to stick end-to-end:

And now we can comfortably sit all ten of our current household around the table, with room to add more when family visits!
And yet, I still loved the old farm table and wouldn’t think of getting rid of it. The solution? Put it out under the “lid” in the back yard for outdoor entertaining, Sunday hot-dog lunches, etc.! The only problem was that ill-advised painting project we did a while ago, letting the kids spray-paint it with all the colors of the rainbow. The surface got sticky, so I put a tablecloth on it, and the tablecloth stuck and wouldn’t come off. And then that tablecloth got all wrecked and I had to put another one over the top of that, and… it was just a total mess.
So, this past weekend (Advent 4, to be clear) Paul set about re-finishing the top. He got most of the paint scraped off, then sanded it down, and got a very light stain applied. Later today he will apply the polyurethane, and when it dries, it will be both sealed against the elements, and beautiful. Almost too pretty to leave outside…