Football Season

Football Season

It’s high school football season, and for our family, that means Natalie is attending all the home games as a yearbook staff photographer! She’s very keen and loves the job, but inexperienced as yet, so it’s been difficult for her to get her camera to cooperate. Understandably, as it is a Rebel T5i and just so old and slow for night and sports photography. I finally convinced her to take my R6 with the RF 70-200 f/2.8 last night. She was reluctant to take on the responsibility, but I told her I wasn’t going to let her go out with a camera that wasn’t up to the task. We went out to a nearby park the night before and I helped her get the ISO set approximately where I thought it would work for the football field. Her results were worlds better and, despite the weight of the gear, and having to tote it around the field for 2 hours, she’s even more excited about this sports photography gig now. I’m looking forward to seeing what she can do as she learns a bit more about composition. Next week she wants to do volleyball… that should be interesting!

Here are a few gems from her game last night:

Great job, Nat! I’m proud of your progress. Keep up the great work!


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