Ain’t it Grand!

Ain’t it Grand!

Even though it’s only the beginning of August, we’ve reached the end of the summer. School begins this coming week for our kids here in Arizona, hard though it remains for this midwesterner to fathom.

It’s also the end of another season. For the past 27 years, both Jon and Paul have lived here in the Valley of the Sun, raising their families close by, and for many of those years their parents also lived here to be near their sons and grand children. However, Jon’s kids are now grown and flying the nest. Jenna and Daniel are over in Alabama, and Jadyn is moving to California. So Jon is moving to a more central part of the country, between all his kids, in Oklahoma!

As such, it was fitting to have a farewell get-together with (almost) all the cousins, on Saturday, to wish our Heidmann fam a bon voyage. Grandma had a wonderful Italian meal catered from a local restaurant. The kids, from oldest to youngest, had many laughs and giggles together. We will surely miss having everyone so close by, but this is the way of the world. Children grow up, and move away, and build new lives that we admire from afar. We are all looking forward to hearing about adventures in new places, and so thankful for the way we can be brought closer by today’s technological world.

Grandma wanted to have a photo with all her beloved grand – and great-grand – children, and I was happy to oblige. And because of user error, I’m just going to say that the lack of clarity in my photo was an artistic choice, and leave it at that!


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