Overnighter at the Ranch

Overnighter at the Ranch

Even though it was just a quick up-and-back trip to attend the Carrizo Ranch Association meeting, Paul decided to take Ruben along for a special father-son trip.

They made the most of their short time there, going for some hikes around the property.

They also ventured across the valley and up the hill (more than once), to where the road graders had left a big pile of dirt. If anyone knows what to do with a big pile of dirt, it is an eight-year-old boy.

By the time they got to the meeting in town mid-morning Saturday, Paul figured he was wearing half that pile of dirt already.

They also did some fence-fixing. Ruben helped.

They did some shooting with Ruben’s pellet gun. He got a bullseye!

They did NOT eat at the picnic table.

We need a new picnic table.

And that was it. They were home in time for me to have a supper date with my hubby on Saturday evening. Deo gratias for a safe and fun journey!


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