

Guess what happens when grand-dog Rupert drags half a ten-pound bag of couscous out to the back yard and spreads it around? Word gets out to all the sparrows in the neighborhood and they come flocking to assist in the cleanup. I only found out about it at the tail end of the excitement. I hope their poor tummies will be ok…

I do want to work on getting a proper bird feeder or two set up. I’ve enjoyed seeing them come and go at Grandma’s house – especially the hummingbirds! I have seen a few around our front yard from time to time, so I think if I offered them the right incentive they could be persuaded to hang out…

In other news, I’m thankful we were able to go to an Ash Wednesday mass at 6:15am today before sending the kids off to school. Who knew we could get them moving that early?! It feels like it’s been a long time since I was able to attend, but maybe it’s only been a year.

Tempus fugit, memento mori.

May God bless you this Lenten season, and bring us all ever closer to Jesus.


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